Saturday, July 01, 2006


FROM WISCONSIN (in no particular order)
-Air Conditioning
-Taco Bell
- Cold milk
-hot breakfasts
- the keyboards
-family GET TOGETHERS (they are more fun then just mi familia)
-mountain dew!!!!!!
-Ice cubes
- TV
-my room
-ipod/cell phone
(can be continued later)

What i WILL MISS FROM GERMANY (**-bringing home in a big bag, §§-ill take pictures)
-apfelschorle (tonic water mixed with apple juice) ***
-Spetzi (orange fanta mixed with coke)
-the trains!!!!! oo will i miss the trains!!!!
-the bus rides
-Charly the dog
-The people yu meet while watching the soccer games
-the streets after winning ^^^^
- the pillows§§
-the bathrooms §§
-all the flowers on the houses
-any candy ***
-the alcohol i can drink (im responsible, i've only bought 2 drinks!!)
-the ICECREAM!!!!!!!!!! (i honestly have ice cream nearly everday, usually tirimuse (sp))
-the random spiney things in the middle of the walk places (they're soo fun!)
-open air markets
-H&M on literally every corner
-all the BMWs, Audis, Volkswagons, and mercedes
-the school system
-the german people and parties!!

can be continued

arnet you part of family? therefore qualifying for family get togethers!
how about nagging parents? do they fall into the family get-togethers, too?
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