Sunday, June 10, 2007


What have i done in my 2.5 days of freedom.
-Friday i went shopping with Courtney and Amy Schinner at Brookfield square (quite successful in buying perfume, zip up hoodie, and i forgot the other thing)
-Saturday i took the ACT the second time, in Burlington, AKA construction zone. eek, none the less i was STARVING afterwords and it took me like 30 to drive across a town smaller than Delafield.
- Sunday-got woken up early to go to church, deep cleaned my room.

I still haven't been able to have a summer morning. So as a birthday request, NO ONE IS WAKING ME UP...YAY!!!

But become a co-director (one of 2 teen leaders) of TEC (teens encounter Christ) I have to write an essay. not just any essay, i have to answer
Who Am I
Past TEC experiences
What gifts can i offer as co-director.

the answer.

i have no idea.

Abbey, don't whine about getting up early today, I heard that you didn't make it to early service :) Better than me though, I didn't make it at all!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday day tomorrow!!
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