Saturday, July 29, 2006
Hello. Tec is only a week away...YAY!!!! sadly i havent worked on my speech much but everytime i have an idea, im busy with something, and by the time i can write down the idea or start to write my speech i forget the thing. GRRR
Monday, July 17, 2006
So as we all know, on my flieght to Germany, i was surprise to find that every single song was deleted off my ipod mini. SO naturally when i came home i tried to get my ipod to add my songs again. All of my songs were still on iTunes BUT when i tried to get it on, it only added like 110 songs which wasnt that many to my 900 some songs. If anyone has any ideas on what the heck happened or whatever please let me know.
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Home Sweet Home
Yup I'm home! I arrived back at the high school around 6 pm and mom dad and em and my favorite thing from taco bell met with me there. Someone (ahem) painted my room while i was gone my favorite color teal!I was barly awake that night (no sleep on the plane or either bus ride) i went to sleep at like 7 on the chair, woke up at 1 and went to bed bed. Saturday i just lazied around..napping again for a couple of hours. remessying up my room. Sunday..went to church (early service) saw Jeremy Swenson and Courtney Schinner (yay friends!) and then worked in the nursery for an hour. One of the 1 year old kids that i watch Michael, burned his hands on a grill, bless his heart. He cried quite a bit, even though his hands were bandage up, but i didnt blame him!! Now im watching the world cup. Italy vs France. Im personally rooting for France. WAHOO!! Tonight i go to the Goo Goo Dolls concert at Summerfest with my "brother" Andy. It will be fun!
PS Thanks everyone who got me presents for my birthday. It was good to come home to them!
PS Thanks everyone who got me presents for my birthday. It was good to come home to them!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
37°C =99°F
YES It is UNGODLY hot. We took the 30 minute train ride to Mannheim today and it was soo crowded we didnt find seats. THEN we took the LOVELY tram rides (also filled with hot sweaty stinky people) to this museum. Usuaully im okay with musuems but this one. OOOOO horrible. All it was about (an hour..on 1 3000 year old thing) was this thing that they found that shows the stars and stuff. This..need i remind you was in a small, dark room, with not air circulating, and 20 other sweaty bodies. ICK. The only part i liked was when we actually got to see this 'thing of wonder.' it was in a dark cooler room where almost everyone sat down and took a nap. It was lovely. Another busy tram ride took us to the Planetraium. OOO I LOVED IT!!!!!!!! Mostly because when we went to see it, it had AIR CONDITIONING, and this COMFY relaxing seats, and i could rest my eyes because it was all in german!!!! Lots of people slept, including Mr.Merchant who snored, but i however enjoyed looking at the stars at 1 pm. OOO and while we were waiting for our train, i tried..get this SUSHI. I liked it a lot!!!! (Thank you sean collins!!) but since it was just 1, i got a sandwich at mcdonalds (im so american its funny) and fed my craving for ice cream (im telling you..its an addiction!!) The train ride home was funny as me and kyle giggled at this one guy sleeping in front of me. hee hee hee. Alright. 2 more days until im home. (PS please please please donate some amazing ice cream too my house!!!)
A Wave of Saddness
SWEEPS over germany as in the last minute of overtime, Italy scores twice. OOOO woe is me. It was actually very sad to not hear 1 chant in the streets tonight. waaaawwwww (baby cry)
BUT now im cheering for FRANCE, mainly because they beat Brazil. But i ask you. Should i spend €65 on a German soccer jersey?? Let me remind you, i have only bought about €90 in stuff for me (not including food) and only €30 or so on presents for others. Im guessing a little more then another 30 for the rest of the presents. which is mostly candy. SO leave as many comments as possible, to let me know your opinion of the 65 euro jersey.
BUT now im cheering for FRANCE, mainly because they beat Brazil. But i ask you. Should i spend €65 on a German soccer jersey?? Let me remind you, i have only bought about €90 in stuff for me (not including food) and only €30 or so on presents for others. Im guessing a little more then another 30 for the rest of the presents. which is mostly candy. SO leave as many comments as possible, to let me know your opinion of the 65 euro jersey.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
the FUN weekend
So it started around 3 pm on friday when me, katie, ally, marsha and stephanie got on the train with the plastics (thats what 4 of our partners are called) to Mannheim. In Mannheim there is a big stadium like thing where you can watch the soccer games on this huge flat screen. It took 45 minutes to get INSIDE the Rosengarten. We never even got into the actual 'stadium' it was too full. So with about 100 to 200 other people we went down to the basement and watched the Germany vs. Argentina game. Us 5 (the plastic got inside to the stadium) were all sitting there when a group of like mid 2o's year old guys come and sit by us. They were already drunk but spoke pretty good english. They were hilarious drunks. Alas Germany won the game and we packed onto the crowded train back to Frankenthael. me and Ally had a play date set up. I slept over at a persons house i barly knew. But before that. all the plastic were going to go to a club but we didnt have any fake ids (18 or older) so they dropped us off at some bar in frankenthael called the galery. After a drink we went in search of french fries and or ice cream. We found uor ice cream (its an addiction now..) and this AMAYING spinny thing in the middle of the pedestrian only road. it was like a spinning rod with a circular platform and we probably spent a good hour on that. that is until a drunk italian (italy had just won) old guy comes up and tried to get us to go on it with them. Needless to say, we ran away. then on saturday, we again went to mannheim for shopping. I bought a ring from H&M and an adorble peach and grey striped shirt with about 8 buttons. I loved it. In mannheim i saw MAUD!!! The French girl from my german class! It was great seeing her again. About an hour of being home, we left AGAIN to go to this festival. It was much like the Waukesha county fair with rides, food, beer ya know. and i was sitting there making friends with some of the other exchange students when these goth guys come up with alcohol on their breath. Andy and Johann were they're named. The weird thing was that they didnt seem drunk when all teh sights of their tokens, proved they were definitly. We had a good time making fun of them and i got hit on my Johann but then *thankfully* the lovely MAUD came to rescue me. And we talked and took some pictures. We left around midnight and marsha, matie me santrine and julie packed into the car. The Americans thought we were going home..wrong we went to Mannheim to just walk around. The river was pretty but we were exchausted and left around 2. I stayed up talking with mi famila and trying to get ahold of my best friend who was leaving for the Dominican Republic this morning. I slept uintil noon and now im just relaxing until 6 were im off to the same festival! yay for summer!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
FROM WISCONSIN (in no particular order)
-Air Conditioning
-Taco Bell
- Cold milk
-hot breakfasts
- the keyboards
-family GET TOGETHERS (they are more fun then just mi familia)
-mountain dew!!!!!!
-Ice cubes
- TV
-my room
-ipod/cell phone
(can be continued later)
What i WILL MISS FROM GERMANY (**-bringing home in a big bag, §§-ill take pictures)
-apfelschorle (tonic water mixed with apple juice) ***
-Spetzi (orange fanta mixed with coke)
-the trains!!!!! oo will i miss the trains!!!!
-the bus rides
-Charly the dog
-The people yu meet while watching the soccer games
-the streets after winning ^^^^
- the pillows§§
-the bathrooms §§
-all the flowers on the houses
-any candy ***
-the alcohol i can drink (im responsible, i've only bought 2 drinks!!)
-the ICECREAM!!!!!!!!!! (i honestly have ice cream nearly everday, usually tirimuse (sp))
-the random spiney things in the middle of the walk places (they're soo fun!)
-open air markets
-H&M on literally every corner
-all the BMWs, Audis, Volkswagons, and mercedes
-the school system
-the german people and parties!!
can be continued
-Air Conditioning
-Taco Bell
- Cold milk
-hot breakfasts
- the keyboards
-family GET TOGETHERS (they are more fun then just mi familia)
-mountain dew!!!!!!
-Ice cubes
- TV
-my room
-ipod/cell phone
(can be continued later)
What i WILL MISS FROM GERMANY (**-bringing home in a big bag, §§-ill take pictures)
-apfelschorle (tonic water mixed with apple juice) ***
-Spetzi (orange fanta mixed with coke)
-the trains!!!!! oo will i miss the trains!!!!
-the bus rides
-Charly the dog
-The people yu meet while watching the soccer games
-the streets after winning ^^^^
- the pillows§§
-the bathrooms §§
-all the flowers on the houses
-any candy ***
-the alcohol i can drink (im responsible, i've only bought 2 drinks!!)
-the ICECREAM!!!!!!!!!! (i honestly have ice cream nearly everday, usually tirimuse (sp))
-the random spiney things in the middle of the walk places (they're soo fun!)
-open air markets
-H&M on literally every corner
-all the BMWs, Audis, Volkswagons, and mercedes
-the school system
-the german people and parties!!
can be continued